THE STUDIO :: Immersive Music/Media Group
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AT THE CORE OF THE ATMOS STUDIO is a computer-based content development design with a DAW/Video production computer connected through 128 MADI channels to a dedicated Dolby Atmos Rendering Master Workstation (RMW). This supports the Black Magic video/audio production software platform DaVinci Resolve.


Davinci Resolve provides a world-class toolset of video production and visual-art workflows, along with the implemented Fairlight DAW for recording, mixing, and content delivery.

The Studio at Immersive
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THE FAIRLIGHT COMPONENT OF RESOLVE provides a vast tangible Atmos delivery standard for film and audio post-production projects. The Resolve install is completed with a rare Fairlight 5-bay Studio mixing console. Combined with the Dolby RMW, clients can mix and render the full Dolby standard of 128 channels of bed and object-based content.


SPEAKER MONITORING in the room is managed with a JBL Intonato system which has been tuned to the Dolby standard curve by a Dolby engineer. Audio channels feed a JBL monitor system of 7 Series Master Reference Monitors with a cinematic LFE.

The Studio at Immersive
Immersive Studio Speakers

The tools in this room provide us with the most accurate and trustworthy listening environment possible.

THE DESIGN OF THE ROOM also accommodates a sizeable tracking area with 22ft x 14ft of open floor space. This makes a great environment for intimate tracking sessions as well. If needed, we also segregate voice/instrumental spaces in the room with transparent and/or acoustic folding panels.

The recording front end is supplied by an RME 12Mic preamp and we have mics from AKG, Shure, Royer, Audix, Neuman, etc. to provide for a wide range of recording scenarios. Talent can even observe the engineering process on the screen or use it to help guide recording punches.

The Studio at Immersive


We'd love to have you stop by. Contact us to schedule a visit.

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